"Não se descuide de ser alegre - só a alegria dá alma e luz à Ironia, à Santa Ironia - que sem ela não é mais que uma amargura vazia." - Eça de Queiroz

sábado, 4 de novembro de 2017

Suicide (por Bruno Teixeira)

A boy walking on the line….
He thinks and looks at the sky
And everything’s fine…
With a pretending smile.
He feels warm under a cold rain
While he’s lighting up the candles
And feeling the smell of his youth.
Everything tastes sweet in his lips
And he’s glad to see everyone of us there.
Now Bodha is a kind one to everybody
And everyone is kind to him.
And Bodha is dead.
He already feels nothing and
Can’t breathe the air of his lungs.
We saw him falling from
A giant and rocky cliff.
We saw him going to nowhere
And his soul flying to a place where
The angels knows their own gender.
And now Bodha is alive, but
He’s still dead inside our heart.

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